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Antelope Canyon FAQ: Bringing Kids

Q. Can we bring our baby and/or pre-K kids with us on our Antelope Canyon tour?

A. To coin a phrase, “it’s complicated…kind of.”

First off, you’ll be best off touring the “main” branches of Antelope Canyon, namely, Upper Antelope Canyon, Lower Antelope Canyon, and Antelope Canyon X. Even then, parents of non-ambulatory children will want to consider carefully whether this activity would be safe or appropriate, not only for the children, but for themselves.

All Antelope Canyon Tour companies operate on a “safety first” mindset. While Upper Antelope Canyon is often touted as a “walk in the park,” that is an accurate reference to the canyon itself. The task of getting to the canyon, and getting out of it, are where things get a bit risky. Upper Antelope Canyon tours begin with a two-mile ride down an unpaved dirt track in a “safari jeep” or “buckboard truck” type of vehicle. Though relatively short, this ride can be quite bumpy. Car seats will be required for infants and toddlers, just as they are when traveling in a regular passenger car, and parents will be expected to provide them. Upper Antelope Canyon tour companies also have limits on the number of spaces they can provide for car seats. When making a reservation for your family, you might find that you are unable to add a seat in the “children 0-7” category. This means that your selected tour has reached its capacity for the number of car seats it can carry, and you’ll need to check availability for another departure time, or check with another tour company.

Another issue to consider is how you’ll transport non-ambulatory children once you reach the canyon. Strollers are not allowed* as they are too wide for some chambers of the canyon, plus they are difficult to maneuver in deep sand. Backpack and sling-style carriers are best, but if you’re using a backpack carrier, be careful not to inadvertently scratch the canyon walls, or worse, have the child in the carrier bump their head. You will need to be prepared to carry your child through the entire length of the canyon, which is relatively short (100 yards). Then you’ll need to navigate a 1/2-mile long series of steps and walkways from the exit of the canyon back to the tour vehicle parking area. The New Normal at Upper Antelope Canyon

*some users of the AllTrails app report the trail through Upper Antelope Canyon described as “stroller-friendly.” We assure you, that’s not the case! 

Another consideration: lack of restroom facilities at the canyon site. You should change your child’s diaper prior to heading out on the tour. Small diaper bags are permitted, but these must remain on the tour vehicle while you are walking through the canyon.

There are five companies that tour Upper Antelope Canyon, but only 3 of them allow infants and younger children:

Lower Antelope Canyon is a longer canyon, which requires moderate physical exertion. After a short walk from the parking lot, you descend into the canyon via a staircase that passes through a narrow topside opening, walk through an underground channel ~600 yards in length (which also requires navigating a few ladders and some simple bouldering), climb back up to the valley floor via a series of short ladders, then walk back to your vehicle.

Infants and toddlers are allowed on Lower Antelope Canyon tours, but here again, careful consideration is warranted before committing to this activity. Although kids 0-3 travel free, a space must still be reserved for them on the tour. Backpack carriers are allowed for infants, but the tour company will assume no responsibility for injuries your child might sustain by bumping his/her head on a low-hanging rock ledge, or as a result of dehydration or sunburn (water and sunscreen are recommended for all tour passengers, regardless of age or fitness level). For pre-school age kids who are walking, but still unsteady on their feet, the ladders in Lower Antelope Canyon may be a bit too much for them to manage, and here again, you might end up carrying them. While it may not sound like that big a deal in the abstract, in reality, it might be a tall order considering the physical requirements of Lower Antelope Canyon. Before committing to this activity with infants or young children, we strongly recommend watching this Full Video Walk-Through of Lower Antelope Canyon.

Here again, there are no restroom facilities conducive to changing diapers or tending to other hygienic needs of infants or toddlers. Though the video linked above depicts hikers carrying backpacks, these are no longer allowed, so you’ll need to take care of any diaper changes, clean-ups, etc., before you get to the canyon site.  

There are two companies that offer guided tours to Lower Antelope Canyon:


Antelope Canyon X bears similarities to both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon. Tours begin at Milepost 307.8 on US98, just Southeast of Page, AZ. After parking your vehicle and obtaining your tickets, you’ll board a 4×4 vehicle (usually a jeep or SUV) type for a 3-mile trip down a backcountry dirt road to the mouth of the slot canyon. You’ll need to provide a car seat for infants or toddlers.

Like Lower Antelope Canyon, Antelope X is remote and rugged. Boardwalks have been placed in some of the steeper ascents and descents in recent years, but that doesn’t make it a piece of cake by any means for anyone carrying a 20-50 lb. child on their back. Though a bit shorter than Lower Antelope, here again, this might be pushing agility and endurance limits for pre-school age children. A 15-part video series on Jack’s Outdoor Adventures travel blog gives a very detailed account of hiking Antelope Canyon X. Check it out to help determine whether Antelope Canyon X would be a safe, enjoyable experience for you and your young family.

Taadidiin Antelope Canyon X Tours (928) 660-8890

Other slot canyons that advertise as welcoming all ages are:

  • Ligai Si’Anii Canyon, near LeChee, AZ (~30 minutes Southeast of Page, AZ) – Antelope Valley Canyon/Ligai Si’Anii Tours – – 928-640-2594
  • Mountain Sheep Canyon, Page, AZ – Black Streak Canyon Tours – – 928-307-8638

Long story short, for optimal safety and peace of mind, Upper Antelope Canyon would probably be the best slot canyon touring choice for families traveling with infants and toddlers. Be sure to plan a return visit to Northern Arizona when your little ones are older, so you can all enjoy everything Page, AZ has to offer together!

53 Responses

  1. Hi,
    We are coming to Arizona for 1 week in August. Staying in Scottsdale first and then 4 nights in Flagstaff [coming with the kids so we don’t want to move around]. Hope to do day trips to Grand Canyon, Sedona and Page from Flagstaff. Few questions please. Which trip is my best bet for a Sunday [crowd-wise]? Also, about our Page itinerary- we hope to drive in from Flagstaff early in the day. Hoping to go to Horseshoe Bend, Glen Canyon Dam & do a tour of Antelope Slot Canyon. Deciding between the Lower Canyon tour & Canyon X- which do you think the children enjoy more? They are all school age and up. And what order should we do those 3 activities?

    Thank you so much for any help you can give me!

    1. Hi Martha,
      First off you’ve chosen a good time of year to utilize the “hub and spoke” approach to your vacation, whereby you stay in one location and make day trips to the parks. In August, your days are still fairly long (~12 hours), which works in your favor because you want to avoid driving in the pre-dawn/post-sunset hours. This is due to local roads being very dimly lit, plus the possible presence of deer, elk, even livestock animals can ratchet up your risk of an auto accident. Believe me, that’s not something you want to risk in an unfamiliar area that’s pitch black, where cell service is spotty (IF you can get any bars at all), and help will be a long time coming, not to mention VERY expensive!
      The drive times you’re looking at are as follows: ~1 hour one way to Sedona, ~90 minutes 1 way to Grand Canyon South Rim, and ~2.5 hours one way to Page, AZ. Note that these figures are direct drive times, meaning wheels turning/no stops. This rarely happens because all routes are very scenic and you will be stopping to take pictures, a lot! To be on the safe side, it’s a good idea to pad drive times by 25-30%. On the day when you go to the Grand Canyon, I’d recommend taking the “long way” in, via the East entrance of the park so you can stop at the Cameron Trading Post, the Little Colorado River Overlook, and the half-dozen+ Grand Canyon viewpoints between Desert View Point and Grand Canyon Village. After you’re done sightseeing, then exit the park via the South gate near Tusayan, AZ. Trip map
      As for which place would be best “crowd-wise” for a Sunday visit, during the summer months, you won’t find much difference between weekend vs. weekday, Saturday vs. Sunday, etc. 99% of stores, activities, etc., are open on Sundays during peak tourist season, so there again, differences are negligible.
      RE: Antelope Canyon X vs Lower Antelope Canyon, children find both of them enjoyable, it’s hard to go wrong either way. You might look at videos of both tours to help you decide. Full Walk-Through of Lower Antelope Canyon Video: Antelope Canyon X & Grand Canyon (Antelope X portion between 1:30-6:34) Note that in the video of Lower Antelope Canyon, the people are wearing backpacks, which is no longer allowed. One thing that might be an important deciding factor between Lower vs. X is that Lower Antelope Canyon is usually more expensive than Antelope X. Whichever you decide on, make reservations ASAP as that is one of Page, AZ’s most popular activities. Because August temperatures are still quite warm, I would recommend hitting Horseshoe Bend on the way into town, early in the morning as that will offer the benefits of cooler temperatures and smaller crowds. The trail is completely exposed, so morning walks are much easier than later afternoon! Whichever Antelope Canyon tour you choose, you will be required to check in 45 minutes to 1 hour prior to departure, so be sure you plan accordingly for that. Guided tours of Glen Canyon Dam remain on hiatus, but you can always go to the Visitors Center and walk across the Steel Arch Bridge anytime.
      Hope that helps! Please contact us directly at if you have further questions.
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  2. Hi,

    We are thinking about going begining of June with our almost two years old daughter. We have seen the video and think she can do it, (we will have to carry her at some point, but we think it’s fine). I have another question. Does any boat tour allowed kids?

    Thanks a lot!

    1. Hi Isabel,
      For their safety, kids have to be at least 3-4 years old to take part in Lake Powell Boat Tours or Horseshoe Bend Rafting.
      Depending on how much the water level of Lake Powell rises this year, you could take your family down to someplace like Lone Rock Beach or Wahweap Swim Beach if you wanted to at least get in the water. That should be very refreshing in June, when days are quite hot. To access these areas requires payment of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area entrance fee of $30/vehicle which is good for one week’s time. It is also possible to drive down close to the banks of the Colorado River at Lees Ferry (~1 hour from Page, AZ) and wade in the water, although it’s very cold!
      Hope that helps. If you have any other questions, please write me directly at
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  3. Hi,

    we are looking for a tour to both or either lower and upper Antilope canyon. We will bring our 2,5 year old. Is this a problem? I saw the video and I think it would be possible to put her in the baby carrier for the ladders if we pay attention to her head. She is small, so should still fit into that carrier.

    A question is however what we do with the mask rule (if this is still the case in May) I don’t think that she would wear a mask – or if then not for two hours.

    Thanks for a feedback on this! We are looking forward to visiting.

    1. Hey Julia,
      It sounds like your toddler should be fine in both canyons. As for the mask issue, I understand that the Antelope Canyon tour companies are still requiring all guests to wear masks, regardless of age. To see if an exception could be made for your kiddo, call your chosen tour company to inquire.
      Contact information as follows:
      Lower Antelope Canyon
      – Ken’s Lower Antelope Canyon Tours 928-606-2168
      – Dixie Ellis’ Antelope Lower Canyon Tours 928-640-1761
      Upper Antelope Canyon
      – Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours 928-698-3384
      – Roger Ekis’ Antelope Canyon Tours 928-645-9102
      – Adventurous Antelope Canyon Tours 928-380-1874
      – Chief Tsosie’s Slot Canyon Tours 928-645-5594
      – Tse Bighanilini Tours 928-310-9458
      If for some reason you learn that the mask mandate is not negotiable, you might consider visiting Wire Pass Canyon and Buckskin Gulch on your own. A day pass is required, plus high clearance vehicles are recommended for driving down the House Rock Valley Road to the trailhead, but many families with younger children enjoy this area, like the family in this video. Note they also explore the Paria Rimrocks/Toadstool Hoodoos Trail, which you might like as well!
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

      1. What great information! This was so helpful in many ways. Thanks for taking the time to give such detailed info.

  4. Hi, We are looking forward to visit upper antelope canyon on second week of fab 2022. We are traveling with 4 years old so which company allowed kids. Can you please help me with that?

    1. Hi Maya,
      There are 3 Upper Antelope Canyon tour companies that allow children to travel:
      – Roger Ekis’ Antelope Slot Canyon Tours, downtown Page, Arizona,, 928-645-9102
      – Adventurous Antelope Canyon Photo Tours, US98, Mile Marker 302,, 928-380-1874
      – Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours, US98, between Mile Markers 299 & 300,,928-698-3384
      You will need a car seat for him or her during the ride to the Canyon’s entrance. There are no bathrooms at the Canyon, so if your child is very young or is not likely to be relaxed without a bathroom around, you may want to make preparations for his or her comfort. At the very least, make sure everyone has their bathroom needs taken care of prior to your tour.
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  5. How far in advance can we book through Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours? It appears they have tours available in February, but nothing in March on. We are looking to book for the beginning of April and we will have two small children on board. Thanks!

    1. Hey Kelly,
      We recommend booking Antelope Canyon tours as far in advance as possible. It indeed looks as though Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours is only taking reservations through February. However, they are one of four Upper Antelope Canyon tour companies operating in Page, AZ.
      You might also inquire with:
      – Roger Ekis’ Antelope Canyon Tours, 928-645-9102,
      – Chief Tsosie’s Antelope Slot Canyon Tours, 928-645-5594,
      – Adventurous Antelope Canyon Photo Tours, (928) 614-4919 or (928) 640-6808,
      If these tour companies’ slots are sold out for April, you might consider Antelope Canyon X, which is managed by Taadidiin Antelope Canyon X Tours (928) 660-8890
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

    2. Goodmorning
      There is any photography tours for lower or x canyon? Take a tripod on the ordinary tours?

      Thanks for attention.

      1. Hi Stefano,
        Neither Upper nor Lower Antelope Canyon offer photography tours any longer. The exploding popularity of these two canyons have made that impractical, and cost-prohibitive. Tripods are not allowed on sightseeing tours in either of the main segments of the canyon.
        You can take a photography tour in Antelope Canyon X. These do allow for the use of tripods, and the time required to get the perfect exposure.
        Hope that helps. Good luck and safe travels,
        Alley 🙂

  6. Hi, We are looking forward to visit upper antelope canyon on 24 Oct. we are 2 families. so total 4 adults and 4 kids. 2 kids are under 6 years old. There is any restriction for kids? is your company allowed kids? What is different visit between 12.30 to 1.30 and 2.30 to 3.30 visit. If we book slot 2.30 one still are we able to see beam light?
    Please help make decision.

    1. Hi Mita,
      Unfortunately, many Antelope Canyon tour operators forbid children younger than 6 from taking part.
      The exceptions are, for Upper Antelope Canyon:
      – Roger Ekis’ Antelope Canyon Tours, 928-645-9102,
      – Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours, 928-698-3384
      For Lower Antelope Canyon, children are allowed, with parental discretion advised, with:
      – Dixie Ellis’ Antelope Lower Canyon Tours, (928) 640-1761,
      – Ken’s Lower Antelope Canyon Tours (928) 606-2168
      In late October, you will not see the light beams at all, so simply book whichever tour has availability.
      Hope that helps. If you have further questions, please contact me directly at
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

  7. Hi!

    Considering a trip with young children in May of 2021. But first, will the Canyon be open for touring then? … as this Covid 19 situation doesn’t seem to be coming to a halt anytime soon.

    Thank you in advance for all the information.

    1. Hi Yadira,
      The short answer re: Antelope Canyon is, we don’t know. “Officially,” the closure of the Antelope Canyons was slated to last through the end of 2020, but local tour companies are now saying that it could very well be extended into Spring 2021 or beyond.
      We recommend you start looking to a “Plan B,” which, for most families is Red Canyon aka Peek-A-Boo Canyon in Kanab, UT. With twists and turns on par with the Antelope Canyons, Peek-A-Boo Canyon offers a short but memorable walk featuring classic slot canyon scenery, as well as some striking and unique geological formations. Plus it’s accessible to all ages and fitness levels. While a guided tour is technically not required to get to Peek-A-Boo, we strongly recommend that you take one anyway due to the potentially hazardous terrain of the access road. Tour companies that can get you to Peek-A-Boo Canyon are:
      – Dreamland Safari Tours, (435) 412-1790,
      – TC Tours, (435) 668-5262,
      – Kanab Tour Company, (435) 644-5525,
      – Forever Adventure Tours, 435-644-5700,
      – Grand Circle Tours, (928) 691-0166,
      For updated information on the status of the Antelope Canyons and COVID-19 lockdowns, visit
      Good luck, safe travels, and Happy New Year,
      Alley 🙂

  8. Are dogs allowed? I have a small yorkie that I have with me at all times for Support. She is an ESA dog and is always with me on her sling. It is attached to my shoulders and has her right in front of me. What tour is recommended? I want to do the Upper and I’m planning on being there For 1 hour. Is the Canyon open right now? Due to Covid. Thank you!

    1. Hi Gracie,
      Unfortunately, the Antelope Canyons remain closed until further notice, so this is kind of a moot point. At any rate, animals are not allowed on Antelope Canyon tours under normal circumstances. This is due to the ruggedness of the terrain.
      A popular alternative to the Antelope Canyons right now is Red Canyon, aka Peek-A-Boo Canyon, near Kanab, UT. With twists and turns on par with the Antelope Canyons, this short but memorable walk features classic slot canyon scenery (including the occasional light beams in the summertime), as well as some unique features such as ancient “moqui” steps, and “Shaman’s Needle,” a pencil-thin stone column located in a small sub-drainage near the canyon’s entrance. While a guided tour is not required to get to Peek-A-Boo, we strongly recommend that you take one anyway. While the walk through the canyon itself is usually not difficult, the drive to get there can be. 4WD vehicles with adequate clearance are a definite must, with tire pressure lowered to accommodate deep sand. Even then, people still get stuck. If you’re driving a rental car, forget it! You will void your insurance the minute your tires part with the pavement, which means you’d be on the hook for a very expensive rescue, should you need one, and have to foot the bill for any damage you’d sustain. Reputable tour companies that can get you to Peek-A-Boo Canyon are:
      – Dreamland Safari Tours, (435) 412-1790,
      – TC Tours, (435) 668-5262,
      – Kanab Tour Company, (435) 644-5525,
      – Forever Adventure Tours, 435-644-5700,
      – Grand Circle Tours, (928) 691-0166,
      As to whether they accommodate service/support animals, I do not know, so please contact them directly to discuss that.
      Hope that helps. Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

      1. Thank you so much Alley. Yes, that helps. You are awesome for all the info. Stay safe and thank you once more 🙂

  9. Hi! My husband and I are looking to visit Antelope Canyon for a quick baby moon getaway. I have not found any information discouraging pregnant women from hiking either the upper or lower, but I wanted to make sure. Is one tour recommended for pregnant women? I will be 21 weeks at time of visit.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Lola,
      Congratulations on your impending “bundle of joy!” For both your safety, and that of your unborn baby, Upper Antelope Canyon would be the safest bet to tour. At 100 yards in length, and flat the whole way through, the trail is a piece of cake to manage. The only aspect of touring Upper Antelope Canyon that should give you pause is the 2-mile 4WD ride down an unpaved track from the Tribal Park entrance on the highway to the mouth of the canyon. Fortunately, it’s relatively short, but you may prefer to ride up front with the guide to minimize the bumps. Or, you might simply choose to tour Upper Antelope Canyon with Chief Tsosie’s Antelope Slot Canyon tours, who have switched to custom off-road coaches for maximum passenger comfort.
      As for Lower Antelope Canyon, both tour companies discourage pregnant women from touring this segment of the canyon due to the potentially strenuous nature of the walk. At ~500m in length, it’s longer, and requires you to navigate a series of stairs and ladders to descend into the canyon, and ascend back to the bedrock. To get a sense of what we mean, watch this Full Walk-Through Video of Lower Antelope Canyon
      Good luck and safe travels,
      Alley 🙂

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